If you are interested in visiting our new facility and / or feel you could be a motivation/inspiration/role model to our current members let us know. I’d love to have any and all of you be guests at a club function.
Miss you all, stay safe
I’d like to highlight our alumni over the next few months. We will plan on posting something on instagram/twitter/Facebook pages for Pole Vault Elite, along with a tribute to our alumni webpage on polevaultelite.com.
If you are interested in participating please fill out the google for questionnaire at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSen3y0ZgTHHuzDkKod8LV7LeaC895k5701vG5tgkCfixOHoGA/viewform?usp=sf_link
If you are interested in visiting our new facility and / or feel you could be a motivation/inspiration/role model to our current members let us know. I’d love to have any and all of you be guests at a club function.
Miss you all, stay safe
8402 N 300 W, Fortville, IN 46040