Journal Beta 1 Email* First Name* Last Name Hours of Sleep Last Night* Quality of Sleep*Worst12345Best Meet Name* Location* Date* Start time*Select valueEarly MorningLate MorningEarly AfternoonLate AfternoonEvening Temperature / weather* Pre-meet Nutrition Post-meet Nutrition Describe psychy, physcial, emotional, metal feeling before the meet* How many short run jumps / drills did you take in warmups?* How many long run jumps did you take in warmups?* How many lefts did you compete from* Start mark you started at? (Feet and inches)* Start mark you ended at? (Feet and inches)* Opening Height* Bar1_table*StandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 1 FirstHeight 1 SecondHeight 1 Third Second Height SecondHeightStandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 2 FirstHeight 2 SecondHeight 2 Third Third Height ThirdHeightStandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 3 FirstHeight 3 SecondHeight 3 Third Forth Height ForthHeightStandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 4 FirstHeight 4 SecondHeight 4 Third Fifth Height FifthHeightStandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 5 FirstHeight 5 SecondHeight 5 Third Sixth Height FifthHeight(1)StandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 6 FirstHeight 6 SecondHeight 6 Third 7th Height FifthHeight(1)(1)StandardsPoleGripCommentHeight 7 FirstHeight 7 SecondHeight 7 Third Summary of the competition* Focus of Next Practice* Academic Load Tonight* Feedback of regarding this form (if first time completing)?SubmitReset