Where: PV Junkies (Champaign, IL)
When: December 18th, 12pm CST (1pm EST). Runway opens for warmups 1 hour prior.
Who: All PVE members that would like to compete.
Fee: I’m covering any costs — none to you, Merry Christmas!
Registration: Add yourself to the calendar before Noon on Friday, December 17th
Pole Request: http://www.polevaultelite.com/polerequest/ (Due Friday @ 12pm)
Directions: We highly recommend you read our directions below and ignore your GPS when you get off the interstate.
- Directions from I-74 (You will see you don’t ever get on McKinley Ave if you follow my directions)
- Exit onto Prospect Drive (left turn off the exit ramp onto Prospect)
- Take the first (i believe) right turn.. it’s where the circle K and Jimmy John are on the right hand side, this is West Bloomington Road (also called State Road 150).
- Then take the first left on to N Highland Ave. It may feel less like a road and more like an “alley”.
- Continue straight across Francis Drive where you should see the Western Bowl on your right. It may seem like you shouldn’t be driving here, but don’t worry, it’s just industrial warehouse space
- Keep going straight into what looks like warehouses that are fenced in. (Again, may look like you shouldn’t be there… keep going)
- Go through the gate and continue until it opens into a parking lot.. the building is tot he far right of that parking lot.
1310 N McKinley Ave
Champaign, Illinois, 61821