Toe Positions
- Straight
- Curled
Spring Ankle – Position 1 (deep thigh – low ankle)
- Place both forefeet on an elevated edge (box, plate weight, step, etc..)
- With appropriate toe position (curled or straight) drive toe into the ground
- Maintain toe pressure and drop the heels as far as possible
- From here, lift heels up slightly (maintaining toe pressure)
- Once you have a good iso hold, press both knees over your toes as far as possible (get knee to ~90º)
- Find the stable ISO hold here and slowly lift one foot maintaining toe pressure on the other foot
- Hold for desired time
- end of rep
Spring Ankle – Position 2 (deep thigh – high ankle)
- Place both forefeet on an elevated edge (box, plate weight, step, etc..)
- With appropriate toe position (curled or straight) drive toe into the ground
- Once you have a good iso hold, press both knees over your toes as far as possible (get knee to ~90º)
- Find the stable ISO hold here
- Maintain toe pressure and drive toes into the ground lifting the heels as high as possible (Planterfexition)
- Find the stable ISO hold here and slowing lift one foot off the edge maintaining toe pressure on the other foot
- Hold for desired time
- end of rep
Spring Ankle – Position 3 (mid thigh – low ankle)
- Place both forefeet on an elevated edge (box, plate weight, step, etc..)
- With appropriate toe position (curled or straight) drive toe into the ground
- Maintain toe pressure and drop the heels as far as possible
- From here, lift heels up slightly (maintaining toe pressure)
- Once you have a good iso hold, press both knees over your toes until knee is ~60º
- Find the stable ISO hold here and slowly lift one foot maintaining toe pressure on the other foot
- Hold for desired time
- end of rep
Spring Ankle – Position 4 (mid thigh – high ankle)
- Place both forefeet on an elevated edge (box, plate weight, step, etc..)
- With appropriate toe position (curled or straight) drive toe into the ground
- Once you have a good iso hold, press both knees over your toes until knee is ~60º
- Find the stable ISO hold here
- Maintain toe pressure and drive toes into the ground lifting the heels as high as possible (Planterfexition)
- Find the stable ISO hold here and slowing lift one foot off the edge maintaining toe pressure on the other foot
- Hold for desired time
- end of rep
Spring Ankle – Position 5 (high thigh – high ankle)
- Place both forefeet on an elevated edge (box, plate weight, step, etc..)
- With appropriate toe position (curled or straight) drive toe into the ground
- Extend the legs as long as possible
- Find the stable ISO hold here
- Maintain toe pressure and drive toes into the ground lifting the heels as high as possible (Planterfexition)
- Find the stable ISO hold here and slowing lift one foot off the edge maintaining toe pressure on the other foot
- Hold for desired time
- end of rep
Position 1 –
Position 2 –
Position 3 –
Position 4 –
Position 5 –
Basically you do 1-2 positions on each foot 1x a day and trying to hold them for 60 seconds
Day 1 – Position 1 and 2 with straight toe
Day 2 – Position 1 and 2 with curled toe
Day 3 – Position 3 and 4 with flat toe
Day 4 – Position 3 and 4 with curled toe
Day 5 – Position 5 with Flat toe
Day 6 – Position 5 with Curled toe
Day 7 – off