Becky Holliday Run/Approach Clinic, Pole Rack Locations, New Runway Surface, Private Lessons, PR’s, Pole Rentals
Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery – there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.
Rick Warren
- Becky Holliday Clinic
- December 27th
- Tentatively 1-5pm
- Approach / Run Focused
- Cost: We have an anonymous donor that is going to cover the entire cost
- December 27th
- Pole Rack Pole Locations
- Labels for the glass poles have been added
- Some locations may change (Grey 15.4 – 12.5 is out of order)
- Don’t be “that person” — put the pole where it goes. If you aren’t sure ask.
- New Runway Surface
- Thank you to Jessica and Jane (and John Schuck)
- We may require 1/8″ spikes.
- They will be provided
- Private Lessons between 12/26 – 12/31 are discounted
- Use the Calendar and enable “Show Appointments”
- Keep checking for addition time slots or ask if you need specific times
- PR’s 🔗
- Put your name on the PR Board
- Make sure you get your keychain if we don’t give it to you
- Pole Rental for IHSAA Season 🔗
- RFID tags shipped today.
- RFID tags should start going on poles in the next 2 weeks
- Pole should be available to rent using PVR App in January