Below are the items each individual needs to complete and the due date in parenthesis.
Itinerary and other trip details are at “Slash bv” ->
Click on each arrow to access the details and links to each item.
1 – Join Remind (immediately)
This will be the only way we send group messages, reminders, schedule changes, etc.. You are required to know what is sent to this message
Class Code: @pve24bvall
Online Instructions
2 – Submit Athlete Details Sheet (immediately)
Google Form | open in new window
3 – Print and Sign Emergency Release (before departure)
Needed to provide or authorize medical treatment to individuals
Open in new window
4 – Follow the Personal Pack List (before packing)
Assume what you pack in your luggage will not be accessible after the morning practice.
(It will get loaded in a vehicle during practice).
Luggage is tight on this trip so we’ve used our 15+ years of experience to create an optimized pack list. Be sure to read it and pack according to this list
Opens in new window
5 – Submit a Pole Request (Before July 8th @ 8pm)
Order Lunch for Wednesday if not bringing your own (Before July 8th @ 8pm)
We will not be stopping for lunch after practice Wednesday. You’ll need to bring your own or you can order Jimmy Johns to be “delivered”
Open Order Form In New Window